Other books published by ChangeStart Press
The primary focus of ChangeStart has been and continues to be the books that build on the Changemaking framework. But from time to time we publish books by other authors, and also take an excursion into other topics. These have included cooking at sea – based on the experience of a transatlatic voyage; and children's fiction – originally a Covid project in collaboration with an 11 year-old neighbor. We've also helped other writers navigate the challenges of self-publishing, with support ranging from general guidance, to editing, interior book layout, and the publishing process.
The Galley Slave's Handbook
by Richard Bevan
The Galley Slave's Handbook draws on the experience of a 2010 transatlantic crossing (St.Lucia to the Azores) in Neroli of Fowey, a Hallberg Rassy 42. In charge of food and the blog, the author learned many lessons about provisioning for a voyage of moderate duration, and about cooking at sea. The book was revised and updated in 2020, and includes a detailed list of provisions as well as recipes adapted for seagoing use. Excerpts from Neroli’s blog (with special reference to those about food) provide additional insights into the workings of the galley. The book is available at Amazon. See below for a link to download the provisioning spreadsheet that's described and included in the book.
The Tangled Pteranodon
Book Two of The Young Dinosaur Chronicles
by Richard Bevan
In the second adventure of the young dinosaurs, José helps to rescue Ski’s little brother Firi, whose wings have become entangled in a thicket of thorny bushes. As the rescue is taking place, Rex, the Great Dinosaur of the North, approaches.
José's mother Cera confronts Rex, keeping him occupied while José completes the rescue. When Firi is safe, José joins the standoff and saves Cera, cleverly and bravely distracting Rex. Ski adds further support from the air, and Cera and José are able to escape. Written for kids in the 4 to 8 range, The Tangled Pteranodon was published in November 2021. It's 8-1/2' x 8-1/2" with eight short chapters over 40 pages, and a total of about 3,500 words. So there is plenty of read-aloud material, or excellent practice for kids who are already reading. The book is now available at Amazon or you can order it from your local bookstore. In the latter case the ISBN 978-0983558866 will help them locate it.
by Jan Fielden
Écoute is a ramshackle but charming cottage nestled at the base of a hill in a sleepy village in France. Every year, Jeannie and her husband Dave visit the village for several weeks, renting a house nearby. Jeannie becomes increasingly intrigued by the cottage. It seems rarely occupied although on one occasion she glimpses a young woman in the yard.
One day she sees her again, leaving the house and loading her small car with a large suitcase and several boxes. She exchanges a few words with the neighbour, an older woman; looks back with what is clearly regret; and drives away. Some weeks later, Jeannie notices a sign posted on the door: ‘a vendre’: for sale. Overcoming financial and bureaucratic challenges, Jeannie buys the cottage. With Dave’s support she plunges into repairing and restoring a house that has clearly been mostly unoccupied for a number of years. She finds a patchwork quilt carelessly draped over the back of a chair. As the years go by, she gets to know her neighbour, Monica Bergerons, and her fascinating history as a member of the French Resistance during the war, after her arrival as a refugee from Poland. She discovers that she, also, lived in Écoute. She learns some of the equally intriguing history of the young woman, Celine, and her relationship with the cottage and the role it has played in her life. The patchwork is a symbolic and real link between the lives of the three women. The book weaves together the stories of Celine, Jeannie and Monica in a fascinating and moving account that spans 75 years.
Patchwork will be pubished in the spring of 2025.
The Hidden Triceratops
Book one of The Young Dinosaur Chronicles
by Richard Bevan
José (a young Triceratops) and Ski (a young Pteranodon) live in the Ancient Steamy Jungle in the age of the dinosaurs. They meet and become friends. They explore the jungle together looking for food, other friendly young dinosaurs, and perhaps adventures. The pair soon encounter a large and fierce Tyrannosaurus, known as the Great Dinosaur of the North. He is looking for prey and gives chase. Ski stays on the ground with her friend José and distracts Rex (as the young dinosaurs call him). She finds a way for both the young dinosaurs to escape to safety and be ready for more adventure. Written for kids in the 4 to 8 range, the book is 8-1/2' x 8-1/2" with ten short chapters over 40 pages, and a total of about 4,000 words. So there is plenty of read-aloud material, or excellent practice for kids who are already reading. The book is available at Amazon, or you can order it from your local bookstore. In the latter case the ISBN 978-0983558897 will help them locate it.
by Roger D'Aprix
Roger D’Aprix’s book is an indictment of American corporations for entrusting management of their precious human talent to untrained, unsupported and unaccountable mid-level bosses. Of course, many organizations commit significant resources to selection and development of managers and supervisors, with predictably good results for employee engagement and performance. But far more leave the fate of worker talent in the hands of ill-prepared bosses, who learn their craft by emulating the people for whom they have worked in the past. This conclusion is supported by the data. In a benchmark study by ROI Communication, only 23% of the reporting companies define leadership communication competencies for their people managers; and only 33% provide training for new bosses. Gallup’s research indicates that organizations pick the wrong candidate eight times out of ten in selecting bosses. The book (available from Amazon) proposes solutions and offers a tool to assess leader capabilities—including peer- and self-assessments. You can download this questionnaire using the link below.
Dido's Song
by Jan Fielden
Dotty, a young Englishwoman, travels to Switzerland in 1967 to escape a failing relationship. There she meets Patrick, a charming but unpredictable and unprincipled specialist in Egyptian and Etruscan antiquities. He is planning to earn a very large pay-off by undervaluing an Italian client’s remarkable collection, thus enabling his associates to buy it at a price far below the market value.
The story follows the pair around Switzerland and Italy, their painful love affair developing, as Patrick pursues his fraudulent goal. We see Italy and Venice through Dotty’s eyes as she discovers more about herself and what she wants, while the scheme unfolds to its dramatic conclusion. Published in 2022, The book is available at Amazon.